Parapet | Parapet Inspection | local law 126

Understanding NYC Exterior Wall Repair Laws: A Property Owner’s Guide

Understanding NYC Exterior Wall Repair Laws: A Property Owner’s Guide

Also called FISP (the Façade Inspection Safety Program), Local Law 11 of NYC mandates that buildings with more than six stories must get their facades checked once every five years by a qualified inspector. The inspection report should be submitted to the authorities highlighting its condition as Safe, Unsafe, or SWARMP. If there are deficiencies, building owners should rectify them within the stipulated time, and the updated property status must be reported. Zicklin Contracting in New York is known for its reliable exterior wall repair services.

If you were searching for exterior wall repair near me, consider us for taking planned and prompt actions. We have been in this business for more than two decades. Whether you live in Queens, Brooklyn, Manhattan, or some other part of NYC, you can call us to restore your façade’s structural integrity and beauty. Our professionals are well conversant with the nitty-gritty of Local Law 11 and know how to comply with the regulations.

  • What is local law 11?

Local Law 11 demands building owners hire qualified inspectors approved by the city’s DOB to assess their properties’ condition per the Façade Inspection & Safety Program requirements. After inspection, the inspector will file details with the DOB, revealing the building’s status as Safe, Unsafe, or SWARMP. FISP Cycle 10 starts in 2025 in NYC. 10A, 10B, and 10C are three Sub-Cycles under this FISP Cycle. These sub-cycles indicate the due date for submitting the building report. You can identify the sub-cycle of your building by referring to the end digit of the block number. 

  • What do SWARMP, Safe, and Unsafe mean?

LL11 follows a five-year cycle during which buildings must be inspected and repaired. Suppose our team classifies your building status as SWARMP. What does ‘SWARMP’ indicate? It means that your building has certain deficiencies that need rectification. It’s not immediately hazardous. However, buildings with dangerous conditions for the public are categorized as Unsafe and require immediate planning to implement safety measures, such as building a sidewalk bridge with DOB’s approval. The repair work starts, and the final report is sent to the authorities after completion. At Zicklin Contracting, we can quickly respond to structural issues involving cracks or damages. Our professionals can also do full resurfacing if required.

Buildings with Safe status don’t require any repair. However, their status must be notified to the DOB. As a building owner, you only need to worry about it during the next five-year cycle. If you maintain your property well, that cycle will also go smoothly.

  • Why has LL11 been implemented?

Many NYC people died due to falling debris from poorly maintained building facades. That’s why Local Law 11 was established in 1998, requiring properties with more than six stories to undergo periodic checks and repairs for public safety.

  • Why consider hiring a certified contractor for exterior wall repair? 

Exterior walls comprising stone, brick, stucco, wood, steel, and other materials are exposed to risks like cracks, dryness, leakage, rotting, and other failures due to wear and tear and temperature fluctuations. If these problems are not addressed on time, NYC DOB can send a summon and impose a penalty for violating property laws. You can avoid the penalty by filing your inspection report before you are issued a cure date. Due to their experience, the local certified contractors understand the need to move promptly and carefully in these matters. They inspect the exterior structure for potential defects such as broken masonry, provide a reasonable repair estimate, begin repairing, do the final inspection after project completion, and send an upgraded status report to the authorities. You can rely on them to offer a hassle-free end-to-end solution for your exterior wall maintenance and repair needs. 

Get in touch

Our team offers tailored-made exterior wall repair services in Brooklyn, Manhattan, the Bronx, Queens, and Staten Island. Call us if you want to protect your building from DOB violation risks.


Building Inspector | NYC inspection

Maintaining Compliance with NYC’s Parapet Inspection Laws Year-Round

Maintaining Compliance with NYC’s Parapet Inspection Laws Year-Round

The majestic New York skyline is a remarkable example of architectural brilliance and human ingenuity. However, it takes a lot for these towering buildings to sustain their beauty and strength. The local bodies require them to adhere to regulatory safety standards for their integrity. To fulfill this, the building owners must get them regularly inspected and repaired or upgraded to ensure that the structural components of their properties are intact. Think of parapets or parapet walls, for instance. These aesthetic roofline barriers of the properties should be well-maintained per the NYC DOB and local law 126 mandates to avoid emergencies or penalties. Zicklin Contracting knows everything about parapet construction requirements and can offer a strategic plan and ongoing maintenance support to keep them safe.

The importance of parapet inspection

NYC apartment inspection law demands property owners to inspect the parapets of their commercial and residential buildings annually, especially those facing publicly accessible pathways, such as sidewalks and streets. Timely inspections help protect these structures from deterioration caused by weather or temperature changes and other unwanted situations by providing insight into their stability, material strength, etc. If you call our team for this, you will not have to worry about emergencies or rule violations. Our experts will thoroughly check the parapets for alignment issues. As per the guidelines, parapets must be straight and upright. If there is a tilt, it cannot be more than 1/8th of the thickness of the parapet. Due to our experience and technical expertise in parapet inspection, we can accurately analyze even minute structural anomalies and report them for everyone’s security and peace.

Furthermore, our licensed professionals will check the signs of physical damage to the parapet, including missing or loose stones or bricks, cracked mortar or masonry joints, flaking materials, and mold or staining issues hinting at weak weatherproofing. All the minor and major red flags are documented, along with suggestions for remediation processes, allowing you to avoid legal hassle and create safe building conditions.

The ways to handle unsafe parapet conditions

Our NYC Zicklin team can promptly address structural concerns in Brooklyn, adhering to local guidance. We notify the DOB of the issue and recommend temporary measures (fencing and netting) to protect the public from accidents caused by structural failure or falling debris during ongoing repairs. Once repairs are done, additional inspection is done to establish the parapet’s safety. At the same time, we recommend prevention techniques so that you don’t have to worry about facing unwanted situations, such as non-compliance issues or failing structures, leading to absolute chaos and confusion.


  1. What are the regulations around increasing a parapet’s fall protection?
    For fall protection, the local code requires that parapets meet the minimum height criterion and be made of strong materials that help them withstand weather or wind impact. Plus, regular inspections are necessary to ensure their integrity and safety.
  2. What does parapet fronting mean?
    In NYC, this implies that parapets on the edges of the buildings are either closer to or face public right-of-way spaces, such as sidewalks, streets, etc. Since their construction and structural condition significantly affect public safety, especially in heavily populated areas of the city, building owners must take all the precautions regarding their maintenance and repairs.
  3. Are a parapet and a balcony the same thing?
    No. Parapet can be a part of the balcony design.
  4. Does the parapet wall need to be inspected in NYC?
    Yes. Under local law 126, this part of the façade must be inspected annually to protect the building and the public.

Need help?

Zicklin Contracting has a well-trained parapet inspection team that can assist building owners in Bronx, Queens, Manhattan and other areas of New York with detecting potential non-compliance or damage risks with parapets. Feel free to call us at 718-550-2779 / 347-495-4959 any time you want. 


Building - NYC Parapet Inspection | Repair Parapet NYC

The Role of Parapets in NYC Building Safety: Everything You Should Know

The Role of Parapets in NYC Building Safety: Everything You Should Know

Like other fields, the architecture and design sector has also evolved, picking critical elements from the past and blending them with innovative solutions to make modern buildings more suitable for New York City’s urban scene or fabric. You can consider the use of parapets in building construction today. Once used to strengthen the defense system of castles and fortresses against potential invasions, these parapet walls or raised roofline barriers in contemporary times are integral to almost all residential and commercial buildings in NYC. Today, they serve various functional and aesthetic purposes, affecting building appearance, structural integrity, and public safety, particularly in densely populated city neighborhoods. The new local laws have mandated that these structural elements be analyzed annually and repaired or reinforced (if needed) to ensure everyone’s security, emphasizing their importance in the modern architectural landscape.

Our professionals at Zicklin Contracting offer comprehensive parapet inspection services to building owners in the New York area, covering NYC, Brooklyn, Bronx, Queens, Manhattan, etc. We understand the significance of adding these structural elements to any property. Our trained experts can also suggest a type of parapet one can build and why. From the shape and style to the material, let’s navigate everything about parapets for clarity.

Function of parapets

Understanding the use of parapets is essential to determine why these structures need a certain height, thickness, material, shape, and design. You can be more precise about these aspects while adding your aesthetic inputs during construction. So, one of the functions of parapets is to provide fall protection by covering the perimeter of your roof with walls. It’s particularly relevant for flat roofs, where accidents like falling off are more common. However, this wall must be sufficiently tall and thick to act as a sturdy barrier. How do you ascertain this? The construction safety observations made by our experts can prove beneficial in this regard. Hence, you do not need to worry. 

Furthermore, parapet walls in modern buildings also facilitate their integrity by keeping unwanted elements at bay, such as debris, water infiltration, and strong winds. Debris from the streets can be kicked into the air by blowing wind, causing them to land on the building’s roofs. However, parapets stop all the rubbish materials like trash and dust from reaching your property. Rain is another significant threat to the roofs. A well-constructed parapet can prevent rainwater from entering the building’s interior and pooling on the roof, which may have consequences, such as leaks caused by deterioration of the roofing materials. Fire protection is also one of the roles played by these structures. The thick walls ensure that fire doesn’t quickly spread from one unit to another in an apartment building.

Types of parapets

You can choose their design, shape, and materials (concrete, stone, brick, composite, glass, etc.) to meet the basic functionality requirements, local codes, and aesthetic standards. Shape refers to general design traits in the given context.

Parapet designs

There are different types of designs, such as:

  1. Plain walls—These vertical extensions at the edge of the roof are built from concrete for rooftop safety and privacy. They need little maintenance.
  2. Embattled walls—A familiar feature of historic or old architecture, these parapet walls flaunt alternating solid and open parts (high and low sections) on top of the wall. Nowadays, they are mostly used for their aesthetic value. 
  3. Perforated walls – Similar to plain parapets, they can be built with or without openings throughout the walls. They offer a mix of aesthetic and practical value 
  4. Paneled walls – These parapets use plain wall configuration techniques with cosmetic enhancement on the exteriors. 

Parapet shape

It is crucial that due attention is paid to the shape of the parapet.

  1. Flat walls: These accompany flat roofs. Imagine yourself sitting on the wall and writing for an idea.
  2. Sloped walls: A common feature of sloped or gable roofs, sloped walls lend architectural depth to the building.
  3. Stepped walls: Both pitched and flat roofs can have them.
  4. Curved: These provide a circular curve shape to the slope of the pitched or flat roofs.


Is it expensive to build parapet walls?

These are easier to install within an affordable budget than many other building features.

What do you call the top part of the parapet?

The technical term is “coping.” It protects the interior wall from water damage and adds aesthetic appeal to the structure.

What causes leakage issues in parapet walls?

The absence of or weakening of the waterproofing system, cracks in the walls, poor flashing installation, sealant issues, and exposure to elements are common scenarios associated with leakage in this part of the building structure.

What is the NYC local law 126?

According to LL 126, all building owners must have the parapets inspected annually to determine whether they are unsafe.

Contact Us

Does it sound overwhelming? Call us at 718-550-2779 / 347-495-4959 for parapet inspection services in New York. We can help you discover the right parapet style, material, height, thickness, and more for your building. 


Building Inspector | NYC Parapet Inspection | Local Law 126

How to Prepare Your NYC Building for Inspection: A Complete Checklist

How to Prepare Your NYC Building for Inspection: A Complete Checklist

The short, narrow parapet walls are built around the edges of the roofs of NYC buildings. They can be architectural wonders, plain safety designs, or both. Most elevated building surfaces have them, mainly flat roofs in the city. High up the roofline, parapets are essential for fall protection and public safety. In 2024, local law 126 mandated annual inspection of these parts of the façade and prompt rectification within the stipulated deadline for the safety of the structure and the pedestrians. Although a beneficial mandate, many building owners didn’t know how to prepare for this due to a lack of knowledge or experience. At Zicklin Contracting, we understand your concerns and try to address them through our expertise, skills, and awareness of the updated building laws regarding parapet inspection.

These legal inspection requirements are necessary. During this process, trained experts check the parapet height, compliance with the city’s roof access laws, potential structural defects, and weathering effects. Let us know if you need help with parapet inspection. Our team can handle these legal and compliance matters efficiently. However, let’s first go through the parapet inspection checklist so you can prepare your property for a hassle-free experience.

Preparation Process for Local Law 126 Inspections

Navigating local law 126 requirements feels easy knowing how this process works. You can prepare your building better.

  • Identify the sub-cycle A, B, or C.

To meet the deadline for Local Law 126 parapet inspection, you must determine whether your building belongs to sub-cycles A, B, or C.

  • Hire parapet inspector

Only a qualified or licensed team can do this type of job. Our Zicklin Contracting parapet inspection team can be trusted in this matter. Adhering to the annual inspection cycle is a must to avoid legal and financial troubles. At the same time, it’s critical to protect the parapet from any severe damage by repairing or modifying them. However, building owners can call inspection services parodically to maintain the integrity of these structures. Suppose a defect is identified. What should you do? When you partner with us, it’s our responsibility to solve this problem through and through. We will inform DOB and recommend installing safety netting, fences, and other things for pedestrian security. Within 90 days, the repairing task should be completed.

  • Other measures

If debris or rooftop equipment prevents parapet access, you must remove it. Keep your building plan and old inspection reports ready, as we will need them for reference. Also, the access points to your roof and parapet should be clear of any hurdles.



  1. What are a parapet’s functional requirements in NYC?
  2. Parapets are built to ward off weather and wind impact and offer fall protection. The local building code mandates that they are constructed from robust materials up to a suitable height and regularly inspected.
  3. What materials are used in parapet wall construction?
  4. Cement, concrete, and brick are widely used. However, other options can also be explored.
  5. How do you identify a parapet wall?
  6. Commonly accompanying flat roofs, these structures are easily identifiable. The wall extending above the roof edge is this.
  7. What is the parapet inspection cost in NYC?
  8. Every company has its pricing model. However, the charges are usually influenced by the parapet’s easy access, general condition, height, size, and building location.

Contact us

Contact us at 718-550-2779 / 347-495-4959 if you have any specific queries related to parapet inspection and preparation methods. Our experts are there to guide and assist you in the best possible way.


Building - NYC Parapet Inspection | Repair Parapet NYC

When to Repair or Replace Your Parapet in NYC: A Decision-Making Guide 

When to Repair or Replace Your Parapet in NYC: A Decision-Making Guide 

Parapets dominate New York City buildings, from brownstones in Brooklyn to the prewar apartment blocks in Manhattan. They are decorative and ensure safety, but they can get worn out by weather and age. This leaves one question for NYC homeowners: should you repair or replace your parapet?

This guide covers factors such as cost, safety and NYC building codes to help you make up your mind.

What Is a Parapet, and Why Is It Important? 

A parapet is the low wall or railing that extends above the roofline of a building. It has many different uses:

Safety: Prevents people from falling off roofs or terraces. 

Weather Protection: Provides wind and rain protection

Fire Safety: Prevent the spread of fire between adjacent structures.

Given their vital role, keeping your parapet clean is not just about appearance, but about safety and compliance.

Signs Your Parapet May Need Repair or Replacement 

NYC’s freezing winters and humid summers can damage outdoor structures like parapets. Here are common obvious signs to look out for:

Visible Cracks or Bulging Bricks: This may be a sign of structural failure.

Missing or Broken Masonry: Missing masonry leaves your parapet unsound and unsightly. 

Water Penetration: Leaks or staining show that water is starting to disrupt the structure.

Loose Coping Stones: These are the topmost protective layers, and can weaken the parapet when displaced.

Compliance Violations: Issues detected during your Local Law 11 inspection or by NYC’s DOB must be resolved as soon as possible.

If any of these symptoms exist, it’s time to seek professional help.

Repair vs Replacement: What Factors Should You Consider? 

1. Structural Integrity 

For minor problems such as cracked bricks or loose mortar, repairs might suffice. You can get your parapet restored with minimal investment through repointing. But extreme bulging, sagging or water damage can necessitate a complete replacement for safety reasons.

2. Cost Efficiency 

Repairs are cheaper upfront but may need frequent maintenance if deeper issues aren’t fixed. Replacing the parapet may be more expensive in the beginning but is an investment that helps keep the costs down in the future while adding property value. 

3. NYC Compliance 

NYC’s Local Law 11 mandates periodic façade inspections to protect pedestrians. A damaged parapet can lead to violations, fines, or forced repairs by the DOB. If repairs don’t meet compliance, replacement may be necessary. 

4. Building Aesthetics 

Parapets are often key architectural features. Repairs retain the original appearance while replacements provide an opportunity to modify design or material. You can choose whether to maintain the old style or modernize your façade.

Why Hire Professionals? 

Repairing or replacing a parapet in NYC is not your backyard project. It requires masonry expertise, knowledge of local regulations, and experience with NYC’s architecture. A professional ensures the work is done safely, correctly, and legally. 

At NYC Parapet Inspection, we provide NYC parapet repair and replacement services in all five boroughs. Backed by extensive experience, we will evaluate your parapet, talk through the options, and provide a solution to fit your requirements and budget.

Act Now to Protect Your Building 

Don’t let parapet issues compromise safety or compliance. When you address them early, you save money and ensure your building meets NYC standards. From a minor repair to a full replacement, we have the expertise to get the job done right. 

Protect your building with the trusted professionals at NYC Parapet Instruction. Give us a call through 718-550-2779 to schedule your free parapet inspection.

Building | NYC Parapet Inspection | NYC Inspection Requirements

NYC Inspection Requirements for Exterior Building Repairs

NYC Inspection Requirements for Exterior Building Repairs

New York City is known for its architecture but maintaining its iconic buildings in a good state is a daunting task. If you own or manage a building in NYC, you must know local inspection guidelines for exterior repairs. Non-compliance can result in fines and safety risks. Refer to this checklist to ensure you are not letting your guard down.

Why Exterior Building Inspections Matter in NYC

Aesthetics aside, exterior building inspections are critical to public safety. Since boroughs such as Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens and the Bronx boast high foot traffic, falling debris from neglected façades can pose severe risks. That’s why NYC requires building owners to adhere to the Façade Inspection and Safety Program (FISP), also known as Local Law 11.

The law also mandates that exteriors of buildings over six stories be inspected every six years to check for unsafe conditions and implement repairs. When you obey, not only do you avoid fines, you protect your tenants, passersby, and your investment.

Your Compliance Checklist for NYC Exterior Building Inspections

Know the FISP Timeline

Every five years the FISP call for inspections on structures over six stories. Buildings are grouped into three cycles according to block numbers, so ensure you know the cycle of your property. Missing deadlines can result in penalties, or violations.

Hire a Qualified Technical Professional (QTP)

A licensed engineer or architect must conduct the inspection, checking bricks, mortar, balconies and cornices. Only hire certified professionals to ensure accurate reporting and compliance with NYC regulations.

File the FISP Report Properly

Upon inspection, your QTP will classify the building as:

  • Safe: No repairs needed.
  • Unsafe: Immediate repairs required.
  • Secure with a Repair and Maintenance Plan (SWARMP): Maintenance within a predetermined window.

Failure to report or categorize correctly will incur $1,000 per month penalties until compliance.

Fix Hazards Immediately

If unsafe conditions are found, repairs must start right away. Also consider safety features such as sidewalk sheds to protect pedestrians. Ignoring this can result in fines or lawsuits.

Get the Right Permits

Often, exterior repairs require NYC Department of Buildings (DOB) permits. Without a permit, you could face Stop Work Orders and fines. Also, only work with a contractor who can handle the process efficiently.

Keep a Maintenance Log

Even buildings that are “Safe” or “SWARMP” need periodic maintenance. Keep records of repairs, inspections, and contractor correspondence for streamlined future inspections. This keeps your building’s façade intact and saves you money in the long run.

Consequences of Non-Compliance

New York city exterior building inspection violations can result in fines and legal risks. For example:

  • A $5,000 penalty applies if you do not submit an inspection report.
  • Repeated violations, like failure to remediate dangerous conditions, lead to $1,000 per month fines until resolved.

Don’t wait for violations to pile up—routine maintenance and timely inspections are far less costly.

Keep Your Building Safe and Compliant with NYC Parapet Inspection

NYC exterior building inspections and repairs don’t have to be daunting. At NYC Parapet Inspection, we help property owners meet FISP filing deadlines and comply with façade laws. We take care of everything, from inspections to fine-grained repairs making the process seamless and stress-free. 

Guard the aesthetic integrity of your structure and avoid penalties. Call us at 718-550-2779 to get started. Let’s keep your building in top shape.